As UKETOBERFEST gets closer we will need many volunteers to make this event a success for our parish. Volunteers are needed for the Kitchen, Kids Corner, set up, clean Up, Bar, etc. Please note there is a need for volunteers on Fri, Aug 11th for set up and Mon, Aug 14th for cleanup. You will find the slips in the back of the church, once filled out you may drop them in the collection basket or bring it to the parish office. If you have any questions contact the parish office at 773-625-4805.

This year’s Uketoberfest proceeds will be divided between the Ukrainian Hero Fund (Fund Zakhystu Heroyiv) and our Building Fund (Capitol Improvement). The Building Funds portion will go to improve and repair our church buildings. The Ukrainian Hero Fund will provide assistance to the Ukrainian army with equipment, supplies, vehicles to support so they can continue their valiant fight against a heartless, soulless and evil aggressor!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Freedom Fighters!