Holy Mysteries

Necessary documents: Baptism application form. Detalі at. Bohdan Nalysnyk - 773-510-9445

How to become our parishioner

Baptism is the basis of the entire Christian life, the door to spiritual life.

In baptism, a person, through washing with natural water and invoking the name of God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is freed from sin, reborn to a new life, clothed in Christ and becomes a member of the Church, which is His Body.

Only after receiving baptism does a person become capable of receiving other Holy Sacraments.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)

"Jesus spoke up and said to him: "Truly, truly, I say to you: Unless someone is born from above, he will not see the Kingdom of God." (John 3:5)

"For all of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Gal. 3:27)

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16)

  • What is required for Baptism?
      1. Mandatory confession of parents and godparents (but not on the day of baptism);
      2. Krizhma (white clothes or cloth) given by the Godparents to the child;
      3. One candle (light color);
      4. A shawl for the native mother (light color);
      5. Certificate (copy) of the child's birth.
  • What is the significance of water in Baptism?
  • Can babies be baptized?
  • When should children be baptized?
  • Who are godparents?
  • Do godparents need to undergo preparation before Baptism?
  • Can natural parents be godparents?
  • What is the role of godparents?
  • How to choose godparents?
  • What are the duties of godparents after Baptism?
  • Can I baptize my child myself?
  • How is the sacrament of Baptism performed?
    • When the time of baptism comes, the priest prays to the Lord to expel from this person every evil and unclean spirit that hides and nests in his heart, and to make him a member of the Church and an heir of eternal bliss; the one who is baptized renounces the devil, promises to serve not him, but Christ, and by reading the Creed confirms his faith in Christ as King and God.

      When a baby is baptized, the renunciation of the devil and all his works, as well as the Creed, are pronounced on his behalf by the godparents, who are guarantors for the faith of the baptized person and take upon themselves the duty to teach him the faith when he grows up, and care for that he live a Christian life. Next, the priest prays to the Lord to sanctify the water in the font and make it a source of new and holy life for the person being baptized. Then the priest anoints the baptized person with consecrated oil as a sign of God's mercy to him.

      Therefore, the priest immerses the child in water three times, or pours water over the head three times, saying: "The servant of God (or the servant of God) (name) is baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". In Baptism, the "old" person dies and the "new" person is born, united with the three Persons of God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (see Mt. 28, 19). This happens through the connection with the death and resurrection of Christ (see Rom. 6). As a sign of rebirth in Baptism, the godchild is given a Christian name, by which the Church introduces the newly baptized into a spiritual connection with his heavenly guardian.

      The newly born in Christ is clothed in white clothes (called "kryzhmo") - the robe of truth, which symbolizes the "clothing" of the resurrected Christ: "You who were baptized into Christ, put on Christ" (Ch. 2, 37). To put on Christ for a baptized person means that he has become a new person: dressed in bright clothes, he confesses to other people that Christ is in him and works. Handing a lighted candle to the godchild, the priest says: "Accept this burning candle and try throughout your life to be illuminated by the light of faith and good deeds, so that when the Lord comes, you can be a light to meet Him with all the saints." Just as Christ is the "Light that shines in the darkness" (cf. Jn. 1, 5), so the one enlightened by Christ in the sacrament of Baptism is called to be the "light of the world" (cf. Mt. 5, 14) (Catechism of the UGCC).

  • How does the Holy Scripture confirm the importance of Baptism?
    • Baptism replaced the Old Testament circumcision: "In it you were also circumcised with a circumcision not made by hands, when you threw off this mortal body, - with the circumcision of Christ. Buried with him in baptism, you have also been raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead." (Col 2, 11-12)

      In a conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus emphasized the importance of baptism. (John 3:5)

      And before his ascension he said: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)

      Baptism emphasizes that new life begins with confession of faith. "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; and whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mk 16, 16)

      But joining the spiritual life "For all of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Gal 3, 27)

  • What holiday is associated with Baptism?
  • Why does the church recommend baptizing babies if they are not yet aware of it?
    • Baptism is necessary for babies, because as they develop physically, they also develop spiritually "Let the children go, let them come to me; do not defend them: for of such is the kingdom of God" (Lk 18, 16).

      In apostolic times, whole houses (families) were baptized.

      "I also baptized the house of Stephen" (1 Cor 1, 16) and there is no mention of restrictions for children. Baptism is not only a symbol, it is the beginning and source of all spiritual gifts. Therefore, the sooner the child receives it, the better for his spiritual development. Whether we consciously take heat from the sun, the grace of baptizing infants has an effect regardless of consciousness.

      Baptism of a child is not violence against him, because as parents or educators feed or teach a child for his good, so do believing parents lead him to the sacrament of Baptism, which opens life in God for him (Catechism of the UGCC).

      It should also be taken into account that baptism in childhood does not imply spiritual education in the future. Baptism is only a seed, it can germinate, or it can remain ungerminated, useless, if the baptized person is brought up outside the Church.

      In addition, it should be taken into account that in separation from God, a person is rooted in evil.

      "Do you have a baby? - Don't give time to increase damage with evil; let the child be sanctified in childhood and consecrated to the Spirit from a young age" (St. Gregory the Theologian).

  • Did Jesus Christ himself baptize?
    • It is written in the Gospel that "Jesus did not baptize, but His disciples" (John 4:2).

      The question arises why he did not baptize himself? We read about this in the Gospel from Matthew, where John the Baptist said: "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit" (Mt 3, 11). And He did not give the Holy Spirit yet, because it was not yet time.

  • Was the Baptism performed by Christ's disciples (John 4:2) an analogue of the modern Sacrament of Baptism?
    • The results of baptisms performed by the apostles before Pentecost (before the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and before the birth of the Church) differ from the results of baptisms performed today in the bosom of the Christian Church. The baptism performed by the apostles is often called the concept of "baptism of repentance" (Mk 1, 4). John the Forerunner himself, pointing to the Messiah, says: "I baptize you with water for repentance, but the One who follows me is mightier than I... He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Mt 3, 11). Baptism by repentance did not replace Baptism in the name of Christ (Acts 19, 1-5).

  • Is it possible to be baptized a second time?
    • Baptism is a spiritual birth, and it, like a physical one, can only happen once. The Creed clearly states: "I confess one (one) baptism..." Sins committed after Baptism are washed away in the Sacrament of Repentance (Confession). This Sacrament is symbolically called the second Baptism, because a person receives forgiveness from God Himself.

  • Is it possible to refuse to become a godfather/mother?
    • It is possible and necessary if you feel that you will not be able to help the parents in the religious education of the child. Each godchild bears responsibility for his godchild before God, so the choice to become or not to become a godchild must be voluntary.

      In some regions of Ukraine, there is a folk custom of not refusing an invitation to be baptized, as if this is "renunciation of Christ." These are ordinary folk superstitions that have nothing to do with the Church.

  • Can a pregnant woman be a godmother?
    • You can.

  • Is it possible to change godparents (rechristen a child)? 
    • In order to change the godparents, it would be necessary to perform the Baptism ceremony again, which is impossible.

      Therefore, it is very important to consciously choose loved ones who will strengthen your children in faith. In the event that one of the godparents no longer professes Christianity, there is a re-profession of faith.

      In this case, it is necessary to contact the local bishop.

      Church officials unanimously affirm: a child cannot be rechristened, because the Sacrament of Baptism occurs only once, and no sins of either godparents or natural parents cancel the main gifts of attracting the child to the Church, which he received during the first sacrament.

  • Can a married couple be a child's godparents?
    • A married couple who has a Church marriage can be spiritual parents.

      If they do not have a Church marriage (unmarried), then after the Mystery of Baptism they become spiritual relatives and they cannot be married.

  • Why does the Church not allow a woman who is not in a church marriage to be a godmother?
    • A godmother is a spiritual mother who should be an example of practicing her Christian faith for godchildren. And life without marriage is a grave sin.

  • Is it possible to baptize a child if the parents are not married?
    • It is necessary to baptize, but it is desirable to choose for the child spiritual parents who are practicing Christians, so that they will be an example for the child.

  • Is it possible to take a brother and sister as godparents in the same couple?
    • You can.

  • Can the godparents of your first child be godparents for your second child?
    • Just as the biological parents are the same for the first and second child, so the spiritual parents can be the same for both children.

  • Is it possible to take a woman who is not married to a man as a godmother?
    • The Church advises to take as spiritual parents (godfathers) practicing Christians, so that spiritual children have a good example of Christian morality. Practitioners are those who confess and receive Holy Communion every time. A family that does not have a Church marriage cannot do this, and therefore is not the best example for spiritual children to follow.

  • Does the Church allow those who are godparents to your children to be godparents?
    • The Church does not provide for such a ban.

  • Can there be two or more pairs of godparents?
    • Each person has only one mother, who gave birth, and one father. There can also be only two godparents - one godfather and one godmother. All other couples are witnesses. The baptized are those who prayed the Creed and renounced Satan.

  • Can adoptive parents become godparents to an adopted child?
    • No, they cannot. They are close relatives.

  • Is it possible to take a nun or a monk as godparents?
    • Yes, you can.

  • Is it possible to baptize artificially conceived children (in vitro)?
    • You can and you should. These children are already born, including for the Kingdom of God. The problem is before that.

  • What is needed to restore a child's baptismal certificate?
    • You need to go to the church where the child was baptized and ask the priest to make an extract from the Metric Records into a certificate.

Anointing is a sacrament in which, when parts of the body are anointed in the name of the Holy Spirit, the believer is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which give growth in the grace of God and strengthen in spiritual life.

"And after that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” (Joel 3:1)

"If someone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not welcome him." (2 John 1:10)

"You have an anointing from the Holy One and you know everything." (1 John 2:20)

"And no one can say: Lord Jesus, except under the influence of the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:3)

  • What is anointing?
    • Anointing is the second Holy Sacrament, which is administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Anointing is a "seal" of the gift we received in Baptism to show that the Holy Spirit descends on each baptized person, as on the apostles at Pentecost. Anointing with the Holy Spirit means that a Christian is born to a new life in Christ and becomes a child of the Father to participate in Christ's royal, priestly and prophetic ministry for the salvation of the world.

  • What are the requirements for receiving the Anointing?
    • Only those who have received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism can receive anointing. The rite of Anointing is performed immediately after Baptism, because where there is life, there is also breath.

  • Why is myrrh important in Anointing?
    • Holy Myrrh - a fragrant mixture of oil and many aromatic substances - symbolizes the richness and variety of spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit bestows on the newborn in Christ. “Do not think that Myrrh is ordinary myrrh; just as the bread after consecration is not ordinary bread in the Eucharist, but is the Body of Christ, so the Holy Myrrh is not ordinary peace after consecration - it became a gift of Christ, and thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit, it has the power of God." The priest uses Myrrh, which was consecrated by the Head of the local Church on Maundy Thursday, which testifies to the unity of the Church.

  • Is it possible to receive Anointing without Baptism?
    • No, Anointing cannot be performed without previous Baptism. This sacrament is a continuation of Baptism, which opens the door to receiving the Holy Spirit. Without Baptism, a person cannot become a full member of the Church.

  • Is it possible to receive the Anointing more than once?
    • No, Anointing, like Baptism, is given only once in a lifetime. It gives the fullness of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which remains with a person for life. After receiving anointing, a person does not need to repeat the sacrament. This emphasizes the importance of grace that cannot be lost.

  • What gifts of the Holy Spirit does a person receive through Anointing?
    • Through anointing, a person receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety, and the fear of God. These gifts help in spiritual growth and service to the Church. They are important for the formation of Christian life. Each gift has its own meaning and use in everyday life.

  • How is the Sacrament of Unction performed?
    • The priest anoints the baptized person with holy oil, making the sign of the cross with it on different parts of the body, saying the words "The seal (ie, the sign) of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". At this time, gifts of the Holy Spirit are invisibly given to the baptized, with the help of which he grows and strengthens in spiritual life. The forehead is anointed with peace to sanctify the mind; eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears for sanctifying the senses; chest - for the sanctification of the heart; hands and feet - for the sanctification of deeds (deeds) and all behavior.

  • How does the Holy Scripture confirm the importance of Anointing?
    • "They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:4) This shows the importance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Anointing is a connection to this divine gift. The Holy Scriptures emphasize that every believer receives strength for service.

  • Can Anointing replace Baptism?
    • No, Anointing cannot replace Baptism. These are two different sacraments that perform different functions in the life of the believer. Baptism cleanses from original sin, and Anointing gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Both sacraments are important for spiritual growth.

The Eucharist is a sacrament that honors the sacrifice of Christ, who gave his body and blood for the salvation of mankind. This sacrament is the center of Christian life and reveals the unity of believers with Christ and with each other. Participants receive grace through Holy Communion, which strengthens their faith and community.

"This is My body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” (Luke 22:19)

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you preach the Lord's death until He comes." (1 Cor. 11:26)

"Jesus said to them: 'I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger.'" (Jn. 6:35)

"The bread that I will give is my body, which I will give for the life of the world." (John 6:51)

  • What is the Eucharist?
    • Holy Eucharist or St. Communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ under the forms of bread and wine.

      "The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of the entire Christian life. All other sacraments, as well as all church services and apostolic works, are connected with the Eucharist and directed to it. Because the Eucharist contains the entire spiritual treasure of the Church, that is, Christ Himself, our Passover" (CCC, 1324).

  • Who can celebrate the Eucharist and what is required for this?
    • "Only legitimately ordained priests can preside at the Eucharist and consecrate the bread and wine so that they become the Body and Blood of the Lord" (CCC, 1411). Priests and bishops act in the Person of Jesus Christ and on behalf of the Church. Deacons themselves cannot do this. To send, it is necessary to have wheat bread and pure grape wine.

  • What are the requirements for participation in the Eucharist?
    • and. To be in a state of grace is without grave sin

      "Whoever wants to receive Christ in the Eucharist must be in a state of grace. If a person is aware that he has committed a mortal sin, he should not begin the Eucharist without first receiving absolution in the sacrament of Penance" (CCC, 1415). "He who eats bread or drinks the Lord's cup unworthily will be guilty of the Lord's Body and Blood. Therefore, let everyone test himself and then eat this bread and drink this cup" (1 Cor. 11, 27-28). Anyone who is aware of a grave sin must first go to Confession, and then take communion.

      b. Observe the Eucharistic fast

      "In order to properly prepare for the reception of this sacrament, the faithful must observe the fast prescribed by their Church" (CCC, 1387), that is, at least one hour before Holy Communion. Water and medicine before Holy Communion do not break the fast.

      in. To be aware of WHO we receive in Communion

      "In the Eucharist there are "truly, really and essentially, the Body and Blood, united with the soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore the whole Christ... This presence is called real (realis), not exclusively, as if all other presences are not "real ", and above all because it is substantial (substantialis) and through it Christ, the God-man, is present absolutely whole and complete" (CCC, 1374). St. John Chrysostom says: "It is not man who makes the offered gifts become the Body and Blood of Christ, but Christ Himself, who was crucified for us. The priest who utters these words represents Christ, but the power and grace are from God. "This is My Body," He says. This word transforms the gifts brought." Christians recognize that the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is present under the appearance of bread and wine, although the appearance and taste of the Holy Mysteries are like ordinary bread and ordinary wine.

  • Can children participate in the Eucharist?
    • Small children are allowed to receive Holy Communion without the need for Confession in the Greek Catholic Church.

      "Sacramental initiation into the sacrament of salvation is accomplished by the reception of the Holy Eucharist, therefore the Holy Eucharist must be given after Baptism and Anointing as soon as possible in accordance with the prescription of the particular law of one's own Church" (CCC, 697).

  • Can a priest administer Communion outside the church?
    • Yes, it can. In case of illness or other valid reason.

  • How does scripture confirm the importance of the Eucharist?
    • "And taking bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying: 'This is my body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.'” (Lk. 22:19) This testifies to the establishment of the Eucharist by Jesus during the Last Supper. Holy Scripture emphasizes the importance of this sacrament in the lives of believers. It also reminds us of Christ's sacrifice.

  • What are the fruits of the Eucharist for believers?
    • "Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ increases the unity of the one who partakes with Christ, forgives him of light sins and protects him from grave sins. Since the bonds of love between Christ and the one who receives communion are strengthened, the reception of this sacrament strengthens the unity of the Church - the mystical Body of Christ" (CCC, 1416). "The love that the Eucharist ignites in us protects us from future grave sins. The more we participate in the life of Christ and the more we deepen our friendship with Him, the more difficult it is for us to break this union with Him through mortal sin. The Eucharist is not intended for the forgiveness of mortal sins..." (CCC, 1395).

  • How often should the Eucharist be received?
    • Believers are encouraged to receive the Eucharist regularly, preferably once a week. This allows you to receive constant grace and maintain a close connection with God. The more often believers participate in the Eucharist, the more strength they receive for their spiritual life.

  • In what way are the Holy Mysteries (Eucharist) celebrated in the Church?
    • On Maundy Thursday, when the Last Supper is remembered. This emphasizes the importance of the Eucharist as the central point of Christian worship.

      Also, in our church calendar, we have the feast of the Holy Eucharist, which is celebrated on the Thursday after All Saints' Sunday, which is popularly called simply "Body of God". In most parishes (where there is no holiday as a temple holiday), this holiday is moved to Sunday (the second Sunday after the Exile). This holiday lasts for eight days - from the Thursday after All Saints' Sunday to the next, on which it is celebrated.

  • What is the significance of communion for the community?
    • Communion is an act of unity between believers and creates community in Christ. It unites people in common faith and service. Communion is a sign of love and support for each other. This helps to strengthen the connection between the members of the Church and their faith.

  • What is the significance of fasting before communion?
    • We read about the peculiarities of the Eucharistic fast in the Particular Law of the UGCC:

      Kan. 93 (can. 713, § 2 CCCC)

      1. The participation of the faithful in the Holy Eucharist includes proper personal prayer preparation and Eucharistic fasting, which is abstinence from food for at least one hour before the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. The use of natural water and medicines do not violate the Eucharistic fast.
      2. The faithful are encouraged to a more intensive prayer rule and to observe a stricter Eucharistic fast, in particular to receive the Holy Eucharist on an empty stomach.
  • Is it necessary to confess before each St. Communion?
    • It is not necessary to confess to frequent or even daily Communion. Small sins are not an obstacle to St. Communion, if at the same time the communicant arouses in himself sincere regret for sins.

  • Is it permissible for women to receive communion during the period of monthly purification?
    • In the Old Testament, among the Jews, a bleeding woman was separated from the community, because any touch to her at that time meant cultic, prayer impurity for them, and in this way she could also defile the temple (Lev 15, 19).

      In the New Testament, there is a different view on this: no bodily impurity makes us morally and prayerfully impure. Created by God, says St. Athanasius the Great, we "have nothing impure in us, but we are defiled only when we commit sin."

      Therefore, a woman in such periods can join St. Communion, if free from sin.

  • How should you behave during Communion?
      • • We make the sign of the holy cross on ourselves in advance;
      • • We fold our hands in the shape of a cross on the chest;
      • • Having approached the cup, we say our name;
      • • We open our mouth wide and tilt our head back, while not closing our eyes, so as not to sway and so that the priest does not drop the Holy Mysteries;
      • • We can close the mouth after the priest takes the spoon from the mouth; the spoon cannot be licked;
      • • Holy mysteries must be consumed immediately;
      • • If there is a need, you can use the handkerchief held by the priest and wipe your mouth;
      • • You cannot touch the cup with your hands and kiss the priest's hand

Repentance is a sacrament in which the believer confesses his sins and receives forgiveness. This is an important stage in the spiritual life that restores the relationship with God. Through repentance, the believer receives grace, purification of the soul and the opportunity to start a new life in Christ.

Those who approach the sacrament of Repentance accept from God forgiveness of the offense they have committed against Him, and reconcile with the Church, which was wounded by their sins.

This sacrament is a "confession" of one's own sins and glorification of the holiness of God and His mercy to sinful man. Through the absolution (dissolution) of sins given by the priest, God gives the one who repents "forgiveness and peace.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"Therefore, I say to you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance." (Luke 15:7)

"And he said to him: "Get up, go: your faith has saved you." (Lk. 17:19)

"From that time Jesus began to preach and say: 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.'" (Mt. 4:17)

  • What is confession?
    • Confession is a sacrament through which believers receive forgiveness of their sins. This is an important stage in spiritual life, which allows you to clear your conscience and restore your relationship with God. Confession is an opportunity for repentance and awareness of one's mistakes, which leads to spiritual growth.

  • How to prepare for confession?
    • Important conditions for Confession are sincere repentance, a desire to change one's life (contrition for sins and a decision to make amends[2]). Sincere repentance is, first of all, the awareness of oneself as a sinner in need of God's forgiveness, and of each sin as turning away from God and rejecting His love. Reconciliation with neighbors is also an important condition of confession: "When, therefore, you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar; go, reconcile first with your brother, and then you will come and bring your gift" (Mt. 5, 23-24).

  • Is it necessary to confess regularly?
    • Frequent Confession makes a person spiritually healthy, able to resist temptations and increases his strength in spiritual struggle. Church fasts are a good opportunity for Confession, during which, according to church custom, the whole family begins the holy sacrament of Penance.

  • What is the role of the priest in confession?
    • The Church administers the holy sacrament of Repentance, fulfilling the Lord's words to the apostles: "Receive the Holy Spirit! Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, but whose sins you retain, they are retained" (John 20, 22-23). Each priest continues his apostolic ministry in the sacrament of Penance, absolving the faithful from sins and reconciling with the Church. Each penitent receives Christ's forgiveness through the prayer of absolution (release from sinful slavery) uttered by the priest.

  • What are the fruits of confession?
    • Confession brings forgiveness of sins, cleansing of conscience and restoration of relationship with God. Believers experience inner peace, joy and lightness after confession. It helps to strengthen faith and encourages good deeds.

  • How does the Holy Scripture confirm the importance of confession?
    • "Therefore, when you sin and go before the Lord, ask for forgiveness, and He will forgive you." (1 John 1:9) This verse confirms the importance of confession for obtaining forgiveness and restoration of relationship with God. The Holy Scriptures encourage believers to repent.

  • Can confession be held at home?
    • Confession is usually held in the church, but in special cases the priest may come to the home for this rite. This can happen if a person is physically unable to attend church. It is important that this be agreed with church rules.

  • Can confession be made online?
    • No, Confession, as a sacrament, requires the personal presence of the priest and the believer.

  • Can children confess?
    • Yes, children can go to confession after undergoing catechesis. It is important that they understand the meaning of this sacrament and are ready for repentance. Confession in childhood becomes an important part of their spiritual life.

  • Is it possible to confess without faith?
    • Confession must be made with faith and a desire to repent. Without sincere faith and readiness for change, this sacrament can lose its meaning. It is important to realize the importance of this act and seek God's forgiveness.

  • Is it possible to confess without grave sins?
    • Yes, confession can be useful even when there are no grave sins. It helps to maintain a spiritual state and deepen the relationship with God. Confession can serve as an opportunity for personal development and spiritual growth.


Good confession

  • What must be done so that our confession is good?
      1. make an examination of conscience;
      2. to arouse regret for sins;
      3. decide to get better;
      4. confess sins before the priest in Confession;
      5. perform the penance that the confessor has done.
  • Examination of conscience
    • In prayer to the Holy Spirit, we ask for a good examination of conscience and for the grace of a good Confession.

      Afterwards, we remind ourselves: when we had the last important Confession, did we not forget any sin and did we perform the prescribed penance.

      Then we go through the commandments of God and the church and various types of sins, and we ask whether we have not sinned against some commandment by word, deed, thought, or by abandoning a good deed. In the case of grave sins, one must remember their number, and if this is not possible, then at least approximately how often we committed them per week, per month, per year. In addition, we must remember the circumstances, time, place, purpose, as well as the persons and environment among which we committed the sin, because there are such circumstances that change the nature of the sin, or make the sin grave from a light one.

      When we have remembered all our sins, then we arouse in our soul sincere regret for them and make a decision to repent of all sins, and then we can proceed to Confession.

      God's 1st commandment: You shall not have foreign gods 

      Have you doubted the truths of faith and created such doubts in front of someone else? Were you ashamed to openly confess your faith? Were you silent when someone spoke against the Church and faith? Neglected prayer? How did you behave during the service? Belonged to atheist organizations?

      The 2nd commandment of God: Do not take God's name in vain 

      Did he utter the name of God or the saints without reverence? Bite? Mocking religious ceremonies? Used holy words for jokes? Swear crookedly? Destroyed sacred, church things?

      The 3rd commandment of God: Remember to celebrate the holy day 

      Did he skip the Divine Service on Sundays and holidays? How often? Worked hard on Sundays or holidays for no reason? Neglected to learn better the truths of the Christian faith?

      God's 4th commandment: Honor your father and your mother

      Did he disrespect his parents, relatives, teachers and superiors, embarrass them, disobey them, and be ungrateful? Wished them evil, spoke evil of them, did them harm?

      God's 5th commandment: Thou shalt not kill 

      Did he harm someone's health, participate in a fight, stir up hatred, wish someone harm, curse, or be vengeful? Persuaded to sin? Used drugs or gave them to someone? Did you have an abortion or did you have an abortion?

      The 6th and 9th commandments of God: Do not lie with strangers. Do not covet your neighbor's woman.

      Did he revel in impure thoughts, looked at obscene images? Did you say embarrassing words? Have you committed shameless acts, alone or with someone, and how often? Broke someone's marriage? Was he in a house of debauchery? Have you conscientiously fulfilled your marital duties?

      The 7th and 10th commandments of God: Do not steal; Do not covet anything that is your neighbor's property

      Did you steal something? Cheated someone? Did you recklessly incur debts, spend money on unnecessary things? Envious of someone? Did you hurt someone? Repaired the damage caused, returned a borrowed or found item? Did I do some injustice?

      God's 8th commandment: Do not bear false witness against your neighbor 

      Did he tell a lie, point out other people's faults unnecessarily? Judged unfairly? Slandered, participated in gossip? Discovered someone else's secret, offended someone?

      Church commandments

      Did you observe the fast? Skipped the prayer? Missed Easter Confession or Holy Communion? Did you participate in loud fun during fasting? He read immoral books and magazines; gave them to others to read?

      Major sins 

      Was he proud? Humiliated others? Rejoiced in someone's harm or misfortune? Was he drunk? Was he lazy?

      Regret and resolve to get better 

      Lord, Jesus Christ, my Savior! Forgive me my sins. In your infinite kindness, You said that You do not want the death of the sinner, but you are waiting for him to convert and live. You, Merciful One, do not want my death and call me to salvation with every word of your divine knowledge. Accept my sincere repentance, because I regret my sins with all my heart and abhor them.

      God, be merciful to me, a sinner (sinner).

      God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.

      I have sinned countless times, Lord, forgive me.

  • A model of good Confession
    • Prayer to the Holy Spirit

      Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, who is everywhere and fills everything, treasure of goodness and giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

      Prayers before the examination of conscience

      All-merciful and all-good Lord! You do not want the death of the sinner, but you want him to convert to You and live. You are always ready to forgive the sinner and accept him repentantly into your grace. And I, a sinner, want to open my heart to You.

      As a prodigal son, burdened with all kinds of sins, I humbly come to the best Father and with sincere regret I ask:

      "Father, be merciful to me, a sinner (sinner). I have sinned, Lord, before you, and I am unworthy to be called your son (your daughter). I have sinned, O Lord, accept me as I repent."

      Give me, Lord, your grace, enlighten my mind so that I see my sins; awaken true regret in my heart and help me to confess sincerely.

      Holy Spirit, send me grace from above and enlighten my mind so that I recognize all my sins. Move my heart so that I sincerely feel sorry for them and strengthen my will so that I direct my life and serve you alone, the heavenly God.

      Holy Mother of God, have mercy on me and ask me for true repentance.

  • Do we do an examination of conscience only before Confession?
    • A good Christian examines his conscience every night, because he must be ready for death every minute. Such an evening examination of conscience shows us the true image of our soul and our real value before God.

  • What does it mean to be sorry for sins? 
    • To feel sorry for sins means to arouse pain in the soul (not only to say with words that we have dishonored God), but to feel disgust for our sins. Perfect regret comes from love for God, whom we despised, and for Jesus Christ, whom we crucify with our sin, as St. App. Paul Regret, however, is imperfect, when we only regret that we lost Heaven through sin and earned Hell.

  • Is confession important if we have deliberately concealed a grave sin?
    • Such a confession is unimportant, and because of it we commit a new, very serious sin: sacrilege.

  • What do we do when we forgot to confess a grave sin in Confession?
    • In this case, Confession is important, and we do not have the obligation to repeat it a second time. It will be enough to confess that sin in the next Confession.

  • How often to confess?
    • We have a duty at least once a year, or in danger of death, to confess grave sins in Confession, and also at least once a year, around Easter, or at the hour of death, to receive Holy Communion.

      In addition, the Church encourages the faithful, because it is very useful for them, to confess more times, even for minor sins, called everyday sins, and to receive communion as often as possible, even daily.

  • How does the sacrament of Penance take place?
    • The rite of confession includes confession of sins to the priest, prayers of repentance and receiving forgiveness. A believer comes to a priest, confesses his sins, and the priest gives spiritual advice and resolution. This is an important step in restoring a relationship with God.

      I make the sign of the cross and greet the confessor with the words:

      Glory to Jesus Christ!

      The last time I confessed (confessed) ... I say when. Dishonored (insulted) God with such sins...

      I list the sins, as I remembered them during the examination of conscience.

      So I say:

      I regret from the bottom of my heart that I have dishonored (dishonored) God with my sins.

      The priest teaches me science and makes me do penance. So he gives permission, and I, crossing myself, pray:

      God, be merciful to me, a sinner (sinner).

      God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me.

      I have sinned countless times. Lord, forgive me.

      When the priest gave permission, I make the sign of the cross and, giving thanks, leave and do penance.

  • Prayers after Confession
    • Infinitely merciful Lord, I thank You from the bottom of my heart that You have forgiven my sins and cleansed my soul. Help me, Lord, to; I forever became Your good and faithful child. For the future, I resolve not to sin and to avoid everything that leads me to evil.

      Thank you, dearest Savior, that You instituted the holy Sacrament of Penance for unfortunate sinners. From now on, I want to gladly and faithfully serve you, faithfully fulfill all my duties, overcome temptations to sin and master all passions.

      Teach me, Lord Jesus, to fervently desire and willingly do all that pleases You. Send me a clear knowledge of what you want from me, and strengthen my will and strength to do it all. Bury my heart from temptations and teach me to know Your will and faithfully fulfill it in my life. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

      Most Pure Virgin, Mother of God, Mary. Help me to fulfill God's will as best as possible, as You did it; Be my intercessor before God.

Priesthood (Ordination) is a Sacrament in which a prepared male candidate accepts the rank of deacon, priest, or bishop. Through episcopal ordination, the candidate receives the grace of the Holy Spirit for sacred service to the Church of Christ.

This sacrament is performed only on persons who are elected and ordained as priests.

"Calling his twelve disciples, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and heal every disease and every infirmity." (Matthew 10:1)

"When Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began to speak in tongues and prophesy." (Acts 19:6)

"No one takes this honor for himself, only he who is called by God." (Heb. 5:4)

  • Who and when established the Mystery of Priesthood?
    • St. Apostle Paul testifies that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself "ordained some as apostles, others as prophets... others as shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of service, for the creation of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4, 11-12).

      The apostles, performing this sacrament, were ordained deacons, presbyters and bishops through the laying on of hands by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

      About the election and laying on of hands by St. the apostles of the first deacons are said in the book of Acts of the Apostles: "They were placed before the apostles, and these (apostles), having prayed, laid hands on them" (Acts 6, 6).

      About the ordination of presbyters, it is said: "Having (the apostles Paul and Barnabas) ordained them presbyters, they prayed and fasted and handed them over to the Lord, in whom (they) believed" (Acts 14, 23).

      In the epistles to Timothy and Titus, whom the Apostle Paul made bishops, it is said: "I remind you (Bishop Timothy), to warm the gift of God that is in you, through the laying on of my hands" (2 Tim. 1, 6). "That is why I left you (Bishop Titus) in Crete, so that you could complete the unfinished business and appoint presbyters in all the cities, as I commanded you" (Titus 1,5:1). Addressing Timothy, the apostle Paul says: "Do not lay hands on anyone hastily and do not become a participant in other people's sins. Keep yourself clean" (5 Tim. 22, 1). "Accept accusations against a presbyter in no other way than with two or three witnesses" (5 Tim. 19, XNUMX).

      From these epistles we see that the apostles entrusted to the bishops the authority to ordain presbyters through the laying on of hands and to judge presbyters, deacons and churchmen.

      Apostle Paul in his Epistle to Bishop Timothy writes about clergymen: "But the bishop must be blameless... Deacons must also be honest..." (1 Tim. 2, 8, XNUMX).

  • What are the types (degrees) of priesthood?
    • In the Christian tradition, three degrees of priesthood are distinguished: deacon, presbyter (priest) and bishop (hierarch). Each of these degrees has its duties and service in the Church.

      The deacon receives the grace to serve in the administration of the sacraments. A priest (presbyter) receives the grace to perform sacraments. A bishop (hierarch) receives grace not only to perform the sacraments, but also to ordain others to perform the sacraments.

  • Who is a bishop?
    • The fullness of the pastoral service is given to the bishops, who are the heirs of the fullness of the apostolic service, that is, the fullness of the grace of the priesthood. In his diocese, the bishop is primarily responsible for teaching God's Word, leading God's people and their sanctification. The ordination of bishops, presbyters and deacons, the consecration of peace and antimins are a feature of the bishop's rites.

  • Who is a priest (presbyter)?
    • Presbyters, placed by the bishop at the head of parish communities, officiate, teach and guide the congregation entrusted to them. They perform the sacraments of Baptism, Anointing, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing and Wedding, as well as blessing and consecration for the needs of the faithful.

  • Who is a deacon?
    • Deacons are appointed by the bishop for liturgical service under the bishop and presbyter, as well as for other services in matters of education and assistance in the needs of God's people, in particular the poor and sick.

  • What other ministries are there in the Church?
    • In addition to the hierarchical service, the Church established other church services according to the established lower ranks:

      • candle bearer
      • reader-singer (dyak),
      • subdeacon

      We call them churchmen.

      One can be ordained to a higher hierarchical rank who has already accepted initiation to a lower rank and has improved in that service. Each act is a manifestation of the diversity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the service of the Church.

  • How to recognize a vocation to the priesthood?
    • Signs indicating the presence of a vocation:

      • seeking God;
      • a sincere desire to follow Jesus Christ as the ideal of personal life;
      • love of prayer;
      • interest in spiritual life and striving for holiness;
      • stability;
      • ability to self-knowledge;
      • readiness for responsibility and for the fulfillment of duties;
      • the capacity for selfless love, dedication and self-sacrifice;
      • concern for the common good;
      • willingness to cooperate and establish good relations between people;
      • the ability to overcome difficulties;
      • the ability to perceive reality in the light of faith;
      • the ability to experience loneliness;
      • the ability to make the right decisions;
      • having a clear judgment and adequate perception of the world, people and events;
      • emotional balance;
      • harmonious puberty.
  • What are the requirements for priesthood?
    • Candidates for the priesthood must have the appropriate education, spiritual experience and vocation. They must also go through a formation process that includes spiritual exercises and catechesis.

      Kan. 348 - § 1. For those who are appointed to the priesthood, studies in a higher seminary, observing can. 345, must include philosophical and theological courses, which can be taken either gradually or simultaneously, these studies must cover at least a full six years, so that the time devoted to philosophical subjects equals two full years, and the time devoted to theological studies - four full years for years

  • Can priests marry?
    • In the Roman Catholic Church, priests are bound to celibacy, while in our Church, priests can have a family if they were married before ordination.

  • How is the mystery of the Priesthood conferred?
    • Priesthood is also called the sacrament of ordination, because this holy sacrament is administered by laying hands on the head of the called and is accompanied by the bishop's prayer for "the grace of the Holy Spirit for the exercise of Christ's priesthood in the performance of the holy sacraments and pastoral service" (Catechism of the UGCC, 488). The priest, offering a bloodless sacrifice, acts in the name of Christ and at the same time "in the name of the whole Church, when he turns to God the prayer of the Church" (K. UGCC, 488).

      Laying his hand on the person being ordained, the bishop calls upon him the grace of the Holy Spirit. Thus, when ordaining a presbyter, the bishop prays: "Divine grace, which always heals the sick and supplements what they lack, places a reverent deacon in the presbytery. So let's pray for him, so that the grace of the Holy Spirit will descend on him, and let's all say: Lord, have mercy." The prayer of the Church is added to the bishop's prayer. By repeatedly exclaiming axios (from Greek, worthy), the community affirms that the ordained person has become worthy of priestly service through divine grace. Like Baptism and Anointing, Ordination to any rank carries an indelible seal of grace, and therefore it can be received only once in a lifetime.

  • Can a woman be a priest?
    • It is not possible in our Church.

Necessary documents: Premarital protocol.

Details: о. Богдан Налисник – 773-510-9445, о. Андрій Делісандру – 773-630-4419

How to become our parishioner

Matrimony is a sacrament in which the bridegroom and the bride, with a voluntary promise of fidelity to each other, before the priest and the Church, are blessed for marital coexistence like the union (union) of Christ with the Church, and they are asked for the grace of pure unanimity for the blessed birth and Christian upbringing of children .

"So shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)

"so that they will no longer be two, but one body. What, therefore, God received, let not man separate." (Matthew 19:6)

"Let women submit to their husbands as to the Lord." (Eph. 5:22)

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her." (Eph. 5:25)

  • Who established Marriage?
    • The Sacrament of Marriage was established by God at the very creation of man and woman. The Lord blessed the first people and said: "...be fruitful, multiply" (Gen. 1, 28). Christ the Savior confirmed the sanctity of marriage when he said: "A man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and the two will be one flesh, and what God has joined together, let not men separate" (Mt. 19, 5-6).

      Marriage is legal when it is consecrated by the Church. Without it, there is no marriage, only lawless cohabitation. As Christ said to the Samaritan: "You have had five husbands, but even the one you have now is not your husband" (Jn. 4, 18).

  • How to prepare for Marriage?
    • Preparation for Marriage includes spiritual preparation, attending catechesis, choosing witnesses. It is important that both are baptized, members of the Church, even if one of them lives in the territory of the parish where the Holy Sacrament of Marriage will be granted. They should be aware of the importance of marriage and their responsibilities in it.

      It is recommended that brides and bridegroom's witnesses prepare for confession in advance and, before the day of the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, confess and receive Holy Communion. For brides, it is desirable that it be a confession of a lifetime.

      It is also necessary to conduct appropriate spiritual-preparatory conversations with the priest and submit relevant documents.

  • Is it necessary to undergo a catechesis before the Spouse?
    • Yes, the bride and groom must:

      • take a full course of premarital catechesis. If someone has completed a catechesis course at another parish, he must present the appropriate document certifying this, according to can. 783, §1 - ​​2, CCS.
      • undergo a canonical pastoral conversation. The date, place and time of the conversation must be agreed in advance with the priest who is responsible for conducting the premarital catechesis course. The conversation is conducted in protocol form with the participation of both interested parties (groom and bride) and the priest.
  • What documents need to be submitted?
      • Pre-nuptial protocol for conferring the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.
      • Certificate of completion of the premarital catechesis course;
      • Photocopy of the Certificate of Baptism and Anointing. If there is no such certificate, then in the parish office you can first obtain the corresponding form Confirmation of the fact of Baptism and Anointing. This form is filled out under oath by a direct witness to the administration of the Holy Sacrament (mother, father, godmother, godfather);
      • Photocopy of the Passport (pages 1 and 2 and 10 and 11, where the place of residence and marital status of the person are certified);
      • Photocopy of the civil Marriage Certificate. If at the time of the canonical-pastoral conversation, the bride and groom do not have a civil marriage certificate, they must present a photocopy of the document within a week from the day of receiving the church marriage.
      • Permission to hold a canonical-pastoral conversation*;
      • Permission to administer the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony*;
      • Certificate of telling stories*;

      (*) These documents are issued by the priest of the parish where the person lives.

      In emergency cases, the following documents must be submitted:

      • Decree on annulment of marriage. If someone was in a church marriage, which was recognized as invalid by the Church authority.
      • Divorce certificate. If someone was in a civil relationship, which was terminated by the judgment of the relevant state authority.
      • Death certificate of a friend. If someone is a widower or widower.
      • Belonging to other church denominations, religions or unbelievers must inform the person responsible for preparation for the Holy Sacrament of Marriage about their religious affiliation at the time of registration in the Book of Records for receiving the Holy Sacrament of Marriage.
  • How much time do you need to volunteer before getting married?
    • Register in the Book of Records at least 3 months before the planned date of marriage. Registration for marriage is carried out in the parish office.

      Arrive on time for the marriage, preferably 10 minutes before the appointed time of the marriage.

  • What can be obstacles to getting married?
      • A man before the age of 18 (eighteen) years of age and a woman before the age of 17 (seventeen) cannot enter into a marriage (see Particular Law. Can. 800, §1, CCCC).
      • Sexual impotence on the part of a man or a woman breaks a marriage by its very nature (can. 801, §1 CCC), but infertility does not prohibit a marriage, nor does it break it (can. 801, §3).
      • A person who is bound by the knots of a previous marriage (is in a legal marriage) cannot marry (can. 802, §1 CCCC).
      • Legally, it is not possible to enter into a marriage with the unbaptized (can. 803, §1 CCCC).
      • It is not possible to enter into a marriage with a person kidnapped or at least detained with the intention of marriage (can. 806 CCCC).
      • A person who, for the sake of marriage with a certain person, caused the death of her spouse or his own spouse cannot enter into marriage (can. 807, §1 CCCC).
      • Those who are related by blood in the direct line (parents ↔ children ↔ grandchildren) cannot marry (can. 808, §1, CCC); and in the lateral line up to the fourth degree inclusively (II degree - family brother/sister; III degree - uncle/aunt - nephew/niece; IV degree - cousin brother/sister) (can. 808, §2, CCC).
      • Adoption breaks the marriage in any degree of the direct line (widow/widow ↔ daughter/son from the previous marriage of the deceased partner) and in the second degree of the lateral line (widow/widow ↔ sister/brother of the deceased partner) (can. 809, §1 CCC) .
      • Godparents cannot enter into marriage with godchildren or their parents, because on the basis of baptism, a spiritual kinship arises between them, which breaks the marriage (can. 811, §1 CCC).
      • Those who are bound by legal kinship that arose from adoption in the direct line (adoptive father/mother ↔ adopted/adopted) or in the second degree of the lateral line (natural children of the adopter/adoptive ↔ adopted/adopted) cannot legally marry each other. (can. 812, CCC).
  • What do you need to have in order to confer the Sacrament of Matrimony?
    • For the wedding ceremony you need to have:

      • wedding rings,
      • two candles
      • white scarf
      • wedding towel (optional).
  • How to choose a wedding date?
    • You can choose any wedding date, but it is important that it is coordinated with the priest's schedule and church rules. The Sacrament of Matrimony is not administered during prohibited times. This is what the 5th church commandment says. According to the teaching of the Church, such times are:

      • All posts:
        • Great Lent (Pentecost) - before Easter (lasts from Monday after Shrove Sunday to Lazarus Saturday. Holy Week lasts from Holy Monday to Great and Holy Saturday inclusively);
        • Peter's fast (Petrivka) - before the feast of St. apostles Peter and Paul. It lasts from Sunday of All Saints until the day before the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (June 28), inclusive;
        • Assumption Fast (Saviour's Day) - begins on August 1 and lasts until the Eve of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 14) inclusive;
        • Christmas Lent (Pylipivka) - begins on the feast day of St. Philip the Apostle (November 15) and lasts until Christmas Eve (December 24) inclusive;
        • One-day fasts (on the eve of Christmas and Epiphany, Beheading of the Holy Head of John the Forerunner, Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
      • From Christmas to Epiphany;
      • from Easter to Holy Sunday,
      • during Holy Week.
  • Is it possible to remarry?
    • In some cases, the Church allows remarriage, for example, in the case of recognition of the invalidity of the marriage or the death of one of the girlfriends.

  • What is the role of the priest in the Sacrament of Matrimony?
    • The priest performs the role of a mediator, blessing the union of the newlyweds and appealing to God for the support of their marriage. He conducts the ceremony, reads prayers and reminds about the importance of married life.

  • How is the sacrament of Matrimony conferred?
    • At the beginning of the wedding rite, the priest asks the newlyweds about their marital consent - their "firm opinion to take as their wife/husband the one/the one they see in front of them". This "firm opinion" is an expression of the sacrament of Marriage, which is supplemented by a solemn promise before God, the Church and each other - to live in love, faithfulness, and not to leave each other until death. The Holy Trinity and all the saints are the basis of married life, so a man and a woman find the strength to mutually love, respect and overcome various difficulties. Crowned with the glory and honor of Christ (that is, his cross), they receive supernatural power for married life, the source of which is the cross.

  • What is the difference between Spouse and civil marriage?
    • A wedding is a sacred act sanctified by the Church, while a civil marriage is a legal contract. A wedding has a spiritual dimension, while a civil marriage focuses on the legal aspects.

  • Is it necessary to get married if there is already a civil marriage?
    • For Christians, it is important that the marriage be consecrated in the Church in order to receive God's grace in married life.

  • What is the significance of the wedding feast after the wedding?
    • A wedding feast is a symbol of joy and celebration of a new union. It helps to strengthen ties with family and friends, as well as to mark an important event in life. Jesus Christ was present at the wedding feast, where he turned water into wine.

  • Can couples from different faiths get married?
    • Yes, couples from different denominations can get married, but this requires special consideration and the priest's blessing. It is important that both are ready to live together in faith.

  • What is the meaning of wedding rings?
    • Wedding rings are a sign of fidelity and continuity of the marriage union, because the eternal and continuous grace of the Holy Spirit; symbols of God's eternal love for us, and the eternal love of friends among themselves; a sign of complete mutual trust of the newlyweds, whose union will be endless, like the ring itself.

      The exchange of wedding rings symbolizes the unbreakable union and fidelity between a man and a woman. It is a physical sign of their marriage, emphasizing their commitment to each other in love and fidelity.

  • What is the significance of crowns?
    • Crowns - at the time of marriage, the priest puts crowns on the heads of the bride and groom, which symbolize their premarital purity, as well as wishes for the future, to live honestly and overcome passions. Also, the crowns symbolize the royal glory of the young - it is on the one hand, and on the other - as a martyr's feat of family life. Crowned with crowns, as winners of earthly passions, they represent the image of the spiritual marriage of a believing soul with the Lord.

      At first they were made of flowers, later they began to be made of metal, giving them the shape of a royal crown. They remind of the royal dignity of the first people - Adam and Eve, to whom the Lord entrusted all earthly creation: "... fill the earth and possess it..." (Gen. 1, 28). They are also crowns of the Kingdom of God. "Accept their crowns in Your Kingdom, keeping them pure, blameless and blameless forever and ever" (from the prayer of the Blessing of Crowns, in the Rite of Marriage).

  • What is the significance of a candle in the marriage act?
    • The candle symbolizes the presence of the Lord Himself; evidence of bright motives of the bridegroom and bride; also a sign of joy, fire gives warmth, so lit candles represent the joy of meeting two loving people. At the same time, it is a symbol of their purity and integrity.

  • What is the significance of a towel?
    • A long time ago, a girl began to embroider a towel long before the wedding. The main meaning of a wedding towel is the path of life, along which the bride and groom, husband and wife, must walk together. The predominant red color in the embroidery of the towel is also not accidental: red is the color of the sun, warmth and beauty.

We can characterize the mystery of Anointing with the following words - it is a mystery of the New Testament, in which a sick person, through anointing with holy oil and thanks to the priest's prayer, receives sanctifying grace for the salvation of the soul, and often the health of the body.

"And he called the twelve and began to send them two by two, giving them power over unclean spirits." (Mark 6:7)

"Pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of the righteous has great power.” (James 5:16)

"Is anyone among you sick? Let him call the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord." (James 5:14)

"And when the sun was setting, all those who were sick with various diseases brought them to him, and he laid his hands on each of them and healed them." (Luke 4:40)

  • Who established this secret?
    • This mystery was established in the New Testament at the time of Christ's public activity. Jesus Christ established the mystery of anointing with oil by instructing the apostles to heal the sick, as the Gospel from Matthew says about it: "Calling his twelve disciples, Jesus gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out and heal every disease and every infirmity." (Matthew 10. 1, 8).

      The Apostle James explains the need and benefit of the mystery of Anointing in this way: "Is anyone sick among you? Let him call the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up; and as he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him" (James 5, 14-15).

  • How is the rite of anointing?
    • The rite includes prayers, anointing with holy oil and communion. The priest prays for healing and support for the patient, confirming God's closeness and mercy.

      The priest prays over the sick, which expresses the prayer of the whole Church. It is this prayer that is the prayer of faith that brings salvation to the sick through the forgiveness of sins in the mystery of Confession, which is often given before the Anointing. Confession takes place when a person is conscious, if not, then the unconscious person is immediately given the Anointing, assuming that he would like to receive this secret if he were conscious.

      Anointing the forehead, eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, chest, hands and feet of the sick person, "the priest says a solemn supplicatory prayer to God the Father, in which he asks to heal the sick person "with this anointing from bodily and mental weakness" and "revive him with the grace of Christ, prayers Theotokos and all the saints".

      After the sacrament of Anointing, the sick person, if possible, receives the Holy Eucharist (Communion) - "the medicine of immortality." Those who are present with the sick person, during the entire rite of the Holy Sacrament of Anointing, pray for him, thus fulfilling the words of the apostle James: "Pray for one another, that you may recover. The zealous prayer of a righteous person has great power" (James 5, 16).

  • When is Anointing administered?
    • Anointing is given in serious illness, in old age, in general - in danger of death.

  • Where is this sacrament performed?
    • It can be done in a temple, at home or in a hospital.

  • Can anointing be done at home?
    • Yes, the priest can perform the rite of anointing at home if the patient cannot visit the church. This emphasizes the importance of making the sacrament available to all who need it.

  • Can anointing be done for children?
    • Yes, anointing can be performed for children suffering from serious illnesses. This is an important step in their spiritual life and helps them feel God's love and support.

  • How does Scripture confirm the importance of anointing?
    • "Hands will be laid on the sick, and they will be well." (Mark 16:18) This verse emphasizes the importance of anointing and praying for the sick as a way of receiving God's grace and healing.

  • How does anointing affect the life of a believer?
    • Through the mystery of Anointing, the sick person receives the grace of the Holy Spirit, who helps a person to salvation, strengthens trust in God, thanks to which a Christian becomes able to give meaning to his patience and, because of this, find inner balance and peace in the midst of patience or in times of illness.


Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Parish of Saint Joseph the Betrothed


5000 North Cumberland Ave Chicago, Illinois 60656


(773) 625-4805

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